Thursday, July 12, 2007

I love my job, I love my job, I love my job

After being off for 9 days, 5 of which I was stuck in bed with a fever, I left home last night looking forward to going back to work. Until I got there. I only deal with the citizens about 12 hrs or so a month, being mainly a dispatcher. Last night I got 8 full, wonderful, enlightening hours with them. (Insert sarcastic comments, various cuss words here)

First night back I get called the big ol fat "c" word. Yeah, that helps. Just cuz this particular Rhodes scholar doesn't like little things like rules or laws even. Contrary to popular belief, even in Oklahoma, we don't go bustin down doors to get your drug money back. Sorry, so sad for you. On the other hand, I'd be more than happy, sir, to send my officers to check your tweakin behind for paraphenalia, stolen property and/or vehicles if you wish? I didn't think so. In the words of some of my Brit relatives, sod off you bleeding wanker.

And of course we have the magna cum laude from MIT and his equally intelligent roommate that called in about someone throwing a molotov cocktail at their house. Now, not actually being from Oklahoma, Okies still stymie me at times. Is it taught, is it instinct or is it just another "Jackass" wanna be that says "hey, lets go pick this flaming bottle of gasoline up and look at it?" I really don't have to say it, but say it I will, yes, it blew the faces of our rocket scientists. Luckily for them (maybe not so for any future progeny) it didn't seriously hurt either one of them. A bit of hair singed, a small spot of burn and blister on one's cheek. Didn't I mention something about the Lord and watching over fools?

Ah well, to balance the idiots, I also got a few thank yous. Rare though they are, they go a long way to counteract the homicidal thoughts, ahem, I mean the gracious and loving thoughts that I have about our lovely citizens. Within a minute of the "c" word incident, I got a very nice elderly lady who just wanted an officer to drive down her street "when it's convenient dear, no hurry". Her street lights were out and she was just a bit nervous due to several recent burglaries in the neighborhood. Ok, no problem, part of the service. She told me that I was "a dear child and to be sure to thank the wonderful officers for taking care of the old people". Awww, how sweet is that?

I started out the night gritting my teeth "I love my job, I love my job, I love my job" but after that sweet elderly lady and a couple of others, yes I can honestly say...I love my job.

1 comment:

Edward said...

Is it a mantra or self-hypnosis?